Event date: 5th Feb 2025
Parental alienation and The court’s approach to coercive control in Children cases together with Coronavirus Top 10 Questions’ covering issues like remote hearings, enforcement issues, ADR options, e-bundles and instructing experts presented by Ranjit Singh and Rachael Cassidy
A general guide to the principles of Spousal Maintenance, including how they are impacted by Covid-19 presented by Gillon Cameron and Ella Calnan
Contact to children in care in a lockdown presented by Damian Stuart
Is this a Barder event presented by Mandy Tanner and Ewan Murray
First ICOs and COVID-19” to public law solicitors presented by Chris Stevenson and Madeleine Whelan
How to treat valuations in cases that are still going ahead presented by Mandy Tanner and Ewan Murray
The use of separation agreements for couples isolating together but living apart presented by Mandy Tanner and Ewan Murray
Hair strand testing presented by Ronan O’Donovan
Covert recordings presented by Matt Warmoth
Freezing injunctions presented by Matt Warmoth
Adoption with an International Aspect presented by Robin Powell
Public law update presented by Damian Stuart
Interim removal presented by Damian Stuart
Children as witnesses presented by Damian Stuart
Transfer of tenancies and occupation orders under the Family Law Act 1996 and their interplay with housing and rent provisions presented by Madeleine Whelan and Housing specialist Mark Galtrey from Falcon Chambers