Gillon Cameron

Specialist in:

Gillon practises in all areas of law involving family disputes concerning children. He has over 15 years of experience in cases involving disputes over care of children, cases in which a parent or child are refusing a relationship with the other parent, and cases of parental alienation.  His work often relates to issues of parental responsibility, medical treatment, schooling, change of name, or cases of relocation.  At all times, Gillon attempts to keep focus on the particular needs of each individual client, and the welfare of the children who are involved.

Gillon is recommended for his work in Private Law Children cases by Chambers and Partners publication.

Reported cases
14th February 2014 | Bailii

The London Borough of P v G & Others [2014] EW Misc 27 (CC)

Final hearing of private law proceedings, which had the involvement of two local authorities and the children being represented by their Guardian. The Court made a Shared Residence Order and Supervision Order, finding the threshold criteria to be crossed. Finally, the Court made an Order by consent pursuant to s.91(14) Children Act 1989, preventing either parent from making a further application in respect of the child for two years without the Court’s permission.

27th January 2006

In the Matter of C (A Child) [2006] EWCA Civ 144

Successful appeal to the Court of Appeal on behalf of a father seeking contact that the judge had not given him a fair hearing


Gillon has over 15 years of experience providing advice and representation as to the financial consequences of relationship breakdown for both married and unmarried couples.  He has particular expertise in claims in relation to interests in property brought by cohabitants and claims for financial support for the children of unmarried parents. Well known for the quality and clarity of his paperwork, he is frequently asked to draft pleadings and statements in such cases.

Many of Gillon’s cases have been reported in the law reports, and he is recommended for his work in Family Finance by The Legal 500 and Chambers and Partners publications.  Gillon provides clear and straightforward advice aimed at finding pragmatic solutions, and avoiding unnecessary expenditure. He aims to bring a common sense approach to the resolution of family disputes, while at all times maintaining sensitivity to the particular needs of each client.

Reported cases
18th November 2021

Aldoukhi v Abdullah [2021] EWHC 3086 (Fam)

In this ground-breaking case, a Part III MFPA 1984 claim was founded solely on an interest in a matrimonial home in the jurisdiction.

23rd July 2007

R v M [2007] EWHC 1856 (Fam)

Application in bankruptcy confirming that if the statutory test of “debtor being unable to pay his debts” is met, the fact that he was motivated to frustrate his wife’s claims was neither here nor there


Gillon has significant experience in cases involving international relocation, child abduction and cross-jurisdictional disputes, including applications under the Hague Convention. He is acutely aware of the need for both urgency and creativity in such cases, and provides clear and sensible advice. He speaks conversational French and German.

Aldoukhi v Abdullah [2021] EWHC 3086 (Fam) In this ground-breaking case, a Part III MFPA 1984 claim was founded solely on an interest in a matrimonial home in the jurisdiction.

The London Borough of P v G & Others [2014] EW Misc 27 (CC) Final hearing of private law proceedings, which had the involvement of two local authorities and the children being represented by their Guardian. The Court made a Shared Residence Order and Supervision Order, finding the threshold criteria to be crossed. Finally, the Court made an Order by consent pursuant to s.91(14) Children Act 1989, preventing either parent from making a further application in respect of the child for two years without the Court’s permission.

R v M [2007] EWHC 1856 (Fam) Application in bankruptcy confirming that if the statutory test of “debtor being unable to pay his debts” is met, the fact that he was motivated to frustrate his wife’s claims was neither here nor there

In the Matter of C (A Child) [2006] EWCA Civ 144 Successful appeal to the Court of Appeal on behalf of a father seeking contact that the judge had not given him a fair hearing

What the directories say

“He’s outstanding on paper and is incredibly confident and articulate on his feet.”

“Gillon Cameron has a very good feel for final outcomes and is excellent on cross-examination.”

“He is very good with clients and keeps them fully apprised of what’s going on. His particular skill is that he’s really good at breaking down the issues into an intelligible form for the layman.”
Chambers & Partners UK Bar 2024

“Gillon is a brilliant barrister. He is intelligent, has great client care skills and is a talented advocate. Judges hang on to his every word because he is persuasive and firm without being aggressive. ”
The Legal 500 2024

“He’s always immaculately prepared and has a wonderful manner with clients.”

“Gillon Cameron’s intelligence is remarkable. He grasps complex issues rapidly and his cross-examination skill in hearings is extremely impressive.”
Chambers & Partners 2023

Gillon is an impressive advocate. He provides clear strategic advice which clients can understand. He is approachable to solicitors and makes himself available whenever needed.
The Legal 500 2023

“Has particular expertise in matters involving complex asset and business structures and is an expert on company valuations and detailed accounting. He is well equipped to handle cases with international dimensions.”

“Thorough, considered and sensitive with vulnerable clients.”

“He is personable and approachable but always protects his client’s interests and fights for them where appropriate.”

“A razor-sharp, erudite and persuasive advocate, who is well prepared and inspires confidence.”
Chambers & Partners 2022

“An unflappable junior who is respected by his peers.”
The Legal 500 2022

“Extremely conscientious, thorough, and measured with clients.”

“He prepares his cases exceptionally well, and his paperwork is thought through and well argued.”

“Gillon has a keen intellect which really enables him to get into the meat of a case.”
Chambers & Partners 2021

“With clients he comes across as thoughtful and measured. In court he is sharp and tenacious. I like the combination and so do clients.”
The Legal 500 2021

“Super bright and sensible, he produces immaculate written work and is very confident and capable. He cares about the end result and doing an exceptional job for every client.”

“A hugely effective advocate who is very good under fire in court. He prepares so diligently that he never loses points of law.”
Chambers & Partners 2020

“He is a calming influence on a case with a good eye for detail.”
Legal 500 2020

“Gillon is hard-working and excellent on the detail.”

“A very suave individual, who is very charming with both clients and judges.”
Chambers & Partners 2019

“He is a brilliant tactician” – tier 4
The Legal 500 2018

“He gives clear advice in conference to clients, is empathetic, and has a good grasp of the detail in a case. His advice is digestible and whatever the opposition has to say he remains calm.”
Chambers & Partners 2018

“He is an assertive advocate and good with clients” – tier 4
The Legal 500 2017

“Very able and offers quality representation.”                                                                               Chambers & Partners 2017

“An extremely well-prepared barrister, who has a wonderful manner with the court and a great clarity of expression.”
The Legal 500 2016

“He takes time to understand a client’s case, and identifies the best approach.”
The Legal 500 2015

“He’s very well prepared and isn’t ruffled by judges or benches being fairly direct with him.”
“Very good at calming down an irrational opponent or an anxious client.
Chambers & Partners 2015
“Gillon Cameron
 debuts in this year’s rankings. He has a strong, broad-ranging family law practice, that is predominantly focused on matrimonial finance work.”
“He is a knockout … He is thorough and able, and provides quality”
Chambers & Partners 2014


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Reported Cases

He has appeared on numerous occasions in the Court of Appeal and his reported cases include
Re C (A Child) Conduct of Hearings [2006] EWCA Civ 144;
Whig v Whig [2007] EWHC 1856 (Fam)
Re K (Adoption: permission to advertise) [2007] 2 FLR 326
Oxfordshire County Council v X, Y & J [2010] EWCA Civ 581
Chiva v Chiva [2014] EWCA Civ 1558, Re G (A Child) [2015] EWCA Civ 834
Patrick v McKinley [2015] EWCA Civ 1582
D v D [2016] EWHC 3546 (Fam), C v C [2017] EWHC 1691 (Fam)
AA v AHM [2020] EWFC 95
Aldoukhi v Abdullah [2021] EWHC 3086 (Fam)

Professionals Memberships

Family Law Bar Association

Data Protection

Gillon Cameron's Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) registration number is Z8200045.
Please see here for his Data Privacy Notice.