Dominic Brazil

What the directories say

“An expert in matrimonial finance, but who also handles a wide array of other family work including private law children matters….Very precise in his advice, and also easy in his manner and well able to relate to his clients. The Legal 500 2014

“Dominic Brazil is always on top of his papers, however complex and is a great tactician in finance cases. [He] is also applauded for his strength in cases with international elements, and for his approachable style and great client care. He is well liked by judges, even in places such as the North Eastern circuit which is not his usual stamping ground.” Chambers and Partners 2015

‘Dominic Brazil has a broad family practice and noted expertise in matrimonial finance cases. Sources attest that he “provides novel and ingenious solutions to complex cases,” and further comment that he has a “very approachable” persona and works well with lay clients.’ Chambers and Partners 2014

Reported Cases

Al-Saeddy v Musawi [2011] 2 FLR 287.

F v F (divorce: jurisdiction) [2009] 2 FLR 1496.

RK v RK (financial resources: trust assets) [2013] 1 FLR 329

F v F (Pre-Nuptial Agreement) [2010] 1 FLR 1743.

Dorney-Kingdom v Dorney- Kingdom [2000] 2 FLR 855.


Blackstone’s Guide to Civil Partnership Act 2004

Professional Memberships

Family Law Bar Association

Data Protection

Dominic Brazil's Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) registration number is ZB539853.
Please see here for his Data Privacy Notice.