Christopher Miller is speaking at ‘Matrimonial Finance Law & Practice: Shaping New Developments into Solution-Focused Answers for Your Clients’, a White Paper event, taking place on Wednesday 28th June.

The conference seeks to answer a number of questions around matrimonial finance.

Christopher is addressing the question of ‘How do you approach – legally and practically – S37 injunctions preventing one party from disposing of assets and the costs implications?’

Other questions being addressed in the conference include:

  • How far can you stretch the boundaries of non-matrimonial property, including inheritance, pensions and applying the mingling principles? – by Judith Murray KC
  • What are the golden rules for challenging the findings in a single joint expert’s report and so gain an advantage for your clients? – by Jason Green
  • Under evolving costs rules, how do you pitch open and Without Prejudice offers, postpone offers, and what do you do when the other party is not making an offer? – by Alexis Campbell KC
  • What is realistic and achievable in Schedule 1 applications? Are they only appropriate for asset/income-rich cases, and how do you gain an edge for your client? – by Tim Parker KC
  • How far can you push “need” in pensions cases, particularly in short to medium-length and childless marriages or where parties are comparatively young? – by Samantha Hillas KC

For further details, please see here.