Cases Archive

13th Feb 2015 | Bailii

X v Y & Others (Assisted Reproduction: Parent) [2015] EWFC 13 (Fam)

High Court declarations of parentage made in respect of father whose child was conceived using donated sperm, in circumstances where he had signed a consent form, which the fertility clinic had lost.

27th Jan 2015 | Bailii

Richard Hough v Greathall Ltd [2015] EWCA Civ 23

Whether a landlord’s intention for the purposes of section 30(1)(f) of the Landlord and Tenant 1954 Act had to be proved to exist at the date of service of the section 25(6) notice or the date of trial.

22nd Jan 2015 | Bailii

N v N (Child Maintenance) [2015] EWHC 514 (Fam)

Appeal allowed in respect of dismissal of a wife’s application to enforce child maintenance payments despite a decision by a US Court on the same issue already having been made.

21st Jan 2015 | Bailii

Re Z [2015] EWFC B3

Final hearing of the Local Authority’s application for a Care Order with a plan that the child reside in long-term foster care.

20th Jan 2015 | Bailii

London Borough of Richmond v Howell [2015] EWHC 104 (Ch)

Application for the mother in care proceedings to be committed to prison for contempt in not providing information as to the whereabouts of passports. Application granted.

16th Jan 2015 | Bailii

Re C, E, J, JB [2015] EWFC B2

Final hearing of care proceedings where the case for one of four children was adjourned, the issue being whether he should reside with his family or be placed in foster care.

19th Dec 2014 | Jordan's

Re CB (A Child) (No. 1) (Adoption Application: Permission To Oppose) [2016] 1 FLR 1261

Christopher Miller represented the Local Authority in an application, made by the mother, for permission to oppose an adoption.  The mother, supported by the Latvian authorities, applied for a transfer of the proceedings to the Latvian court under Art 15 Brussels II Revised, permission to oppose the adoption and contact.  All three applications were refused by Moylan J

10th Dec 2014 | Bailii

A (A Child) [2014] EWCA Civ 1577

Schedule 1 case where the mother made an unmerited appplication to vary an order for periodical payments and subsequently appealed, again without merit. Mother ordered to pay a contribution towards the father’s costs.