Cases Archive
NH (1996 Child Protection Convention: Habitual Residence) [2015] EWHC 2299 (Fam)
Consideration of jurisdiction to make public law orders in respect of a child. Cobb J found jurisdiction of necessity.
Re FT [2015] EWCOP 49
Application for reconsideration of order appointing two siblings as P’s deputies. Application refused and costs ordered against the Applicants.
Re K (1980 Hague Convention) (Lithuania) [2015] EWCA Civ 720
Appeal by a mother against an order that her daughter be returned to Lithuania. Appeal dismissed.
W-J (Children) [2015] EWCA Civ 788
Appeal against ICO; injunction under Human Rights Act 1998, to keep mother and child together, considered. Appeal dismissed.
Re B (Leave to Defend Adoption) [2015]
David represented the prospective adopters in the sequel to the well known Supreme Court case, in which adoption was described as “the last resort” to be confined to cases where “nothing else will do”.
X v Y & Others (Assisted Reproduction: Parent) [2015] EWFC 13 (Fam)
High Court declarations of parentage made in respect of father whose child was conceived using donated sperm, in circumstances where he had signed a consent form, which the fertility clinic had lost.
Richard Hough v Greathall Ltd [2015] EWCA Civ 23
Whether a landlord’s intention for the purposes of section 30(1)(f) of the Landlord and Tenant 1954 Act had to be proved to exist at the date of service of the section 25(6) notice or the date of trial.
N v N (Child Maintenance) [2015] EWHC 514 (Fam)
Appeal allowed in respect of dismissal of a wife’s application to enforce child maintenance payments despite a decision by a US Court on the same issue already having been made.