Cases Archive

25th Aug 2015 | Bailii

W v S (Committal) [2015] EWFC B130

Committal application arising in Schedule 1 proceedings arising from alleged failure of the Respondent to complete properly a Form E. Judge finds a wilful breach and sentences Respondent to 14 days’ imprisonment, suspended for a short period to allow one last opportunity to comply with the Order

6th Aug 2015 | Jordan's

Re CB (A Child) (No. 2) (Adoption Proceedings: Vienna Convention) [2016] 1 FLR 1286, [2016] 2 WLR 470

The Court of Appeal provides definitive guidance on issues relating to the interface between ECHR Law, BIIa, the Vienna Convention and domestic adoption jurisprudence. The Latvian Ministry of Justice intervened in the appeal in opposition to the Local Authority and in support of the mother. The mother’s appeal was dismissed.  Christopher Miller represented the Local Authority.

13th Aug 2015 | Jordan's

Re S (Appeal: Preparation of Skeleton Argument) [2016] 2 FLR 965; [2015] EWCA Civ 1015

Ronan O’Donovan, leading Ewan Murray, represented the Local Authority in this appeal, brought by a father against the making of a Care Order.  The appeal was dismissed and, in so doing, the Court of Appeal criticised the way in which the appeal was presented on behalf of the father.  The father had hitherto been a self-representing litigant but, when such a litigant secures the services of counsel, he or she should seek permission to serve a single, composite skeleton argument which incorporates all the submissions which counsel proposes to advance.  The detail of the submissions made at this appeal was not set out in writing, despite calls from the respondents to do so, and this had the effect of ambushing the Court and respondents

30th Jul 2015 | Bailii

NH (1996 Child Protection Convention: Habitual Residence) [2015] EWHC 2299 (Fam)

Consideration of jurisdiction to make public law orders in respect of a child. Cobb J found jurisdiction of necessity.

29th Jul 2015 | Bailii

Re FT [2015] EWCOP 49

Application for reconsideration of order appointing two siblings as P’s deputies. Application refused and costs ordered against the Applicants.

14th Jul 2015 | Bailii

Re K (1980 Hague Convention) (Lithuania) [2015] EWCA Civ 720

Appeal by a mother against an order that her daughter be returned to Lithuania. Appeal dismissed.

21st May 2015 | Family Law Week

W-J (Children) [2015] EWCA Civ 788

Appeal against ICO; injunction under Human Rights Act 1998, to keep mother and child together, considered. Appeal dismissed.

1st May 2015

Re B (Leave to Defend Adoption) [2015]

David represented the prospective adopters in the sequel to the well known Supreme Court case, in which adoption was described as “the last resort” to be confined to cases where “nothing else will do”.