Cases Archive

23rd Mar 2016 | Bailii

Re V (European Maintenance Regulation) [2016] EWHC 668 (Fam)

In an application for maintenance, Parker J was required to determine whether the courts in Scotland or in England and Wales had jurisdiction. In concluding that the husband’s writ did not constitute an application for maintenance in accordance with the European Maintenance Regulation, it was held that the English court had jurisdiction and an order for interim maintenance was made

22nd Mar 2016 | Bailii

London Borough of Sutton v MH (No 1) [2016] EWHC 1375 (Fam)

Application for a Care Order in relation to a 16-year-old child in a complex case with an international dimension

11th Mar 2016 | Bailii

FK v ML (Chlid’s Objections) [2016] EWHC 517 (Fam)

Sir Peter Singer orders a 13 year old child’s return to Dublin, despite his strongly held objections to such return, in proceedings brought by the father under the Hague Child Abduction Convention 1980

12th Jan 2016 | Bailii

Parr v Tiuta International Ltd [2016] EWHC 2 (QB)

Merger of judgment and variation of a charging order

18th Dec 2015

London Borough of Camden v RZ and Others [2015] EWHC 3751 (Fam)

MacDonald J refuses Local Authority’s application for Interim Care Order in respect of a child at risk of removal from the jurisdiction to partake in a forced marriage on the basis that the existing Forced Marriage Protection Order adequately safeguarded that child against the risks

26th Nov 2015 | Bailii

W (Children) (Abduction: Striking Out) [2015] EWHC 4002 (Fam)

Application by the mother at the PTR to strike out the father’s application for the return of two children to Spain and, in the alternative, for permission to instruct a psychologist to assess the mother’s fear of the father. Both applications were refused by Baker J

4th Nov 2015 | Bailii

Williams v Law Society of England & Wales (Solicitors Regulation Authority) [2015] EWHC 2302 (Ch)

Consideration of the extent to which monies held by a solicitor’s former practice would vest in the Solicitors Regulation Authority in the event of an intervention into the solicitor’s practice and the meaning of “practice” and “former practice” under the Solicitors Act 1974 Sch.1 Pt II.

28th Oct 2015 | Bailii

Re CB (No. 3) (Adoption and Children Act 2002) [2015] EWHC 3274 (Fam)

Christopher Miller represented the Local Authority in the third reported judgment in these proceedings.  Here, Moylan J deals with the proposed adopters’ application for an Adoption Order, which was opposed by the mother – supported by representations made on behalf of the Latvian authorities.  The application was granted.