Cases Archive
F (A Minor: Secure Accommodation Resources) [2017] EWHC 2189 (Fam)
The Local Authority had applied for a Secure Accommodation Order in respect of a 14-year-old boy. This high-profile judgment, delivered in open court, attracted the attention of national media and focuses on the unavailability of placements for a child in secure accommodation.
ND v SD & Ors [2017] EWHC 1507 (Fam) (21 June 2017)
Mrs Justice Roberts dismisses Wife’s attack of a trust owning shares in companies worth £50m
London Borough of Merton v SB & Ors [2017] EWFC B81
Joan Connell represented the Local Authority in the case: London Borough of Merton v SB & Ors [2017] EWFC B81.
Mark Twomey QC represented the Respondent Mother, who made a successful application for the transfer of care proceedings to Slovakia under the provisions of Article 15 of BIIR.
Norman v Norman [2017] EWCA Civ 120
Court of Appeal dismisses proposed appellant’s application to set aside consent order made in financial remedy proceedings
Norman v Norman [2017] EWCA Civ 49
Wife’s appeal in financial remedy proceedings in which she sought an anonymity order and argued that the law in this regard should change. Appeal refused
MS v MN [2017] EWHC 324 (Fam)
Mother’s appeal against an order for direct contact in the absence of a risk assessment when findings had been made of domestic violence. Appeal allowed, a risk assessment directed and remitted back for further consideration.
Moor J who heard the appeal criticised the judge for not having applied PD 12J or the relevant case law on contact when findings have been made of domestic violence. However, of equal significance in this case was the requirement in s.16A Children Act 1989 which requires a CAFCASS Officer to undertake a risk assessment for the benefit of the court if, carrying out his/her functions, the Officer suspects the child is at risk of harm. Cafcass recommended such a risk assessment however the judge refused the mother’s application for that assessment.
Medway Council v MI and others [2017] EWFC 59 (Fam)
Placement of children in Scotland. Theis J confirmed that special guardianship orders are recognised and enforceable in Scotland. Theis J said that whilst automatically recognised as though they were made in the Scottish courts, to enforce a SGO, the SG should make a registration application to the court that made the SGO.
M v F (Travel to Non-Convention Country) [2017] EWFC 7
Mother’s application to vary a Prohibited Steps Order – preventing either parent from removing the children – granted, allowing her to remove the parties’ children to Iran, a non-Hague Convention country, temporarily for the purpose of holidays, subject to certain safeguards being in place