Cases Archive

17th Dec 1984

M v Lambeth Borough Council (No. 2) [1985] FLR 371

Wardship – Child placed in care of local authority in wardship proceedings – Court directing that child be placed in secure accommodation – Statutory provisions requiring authority of juvenile court that child be kept in secure accommodation – Juvenile court to have regard to order or directions of High Court

8th Nov 1984 | Jordan's

M v Berkshire County Council [1985] FLR 257

Care proceedings – Application for care order – Local authority proposing to place child with long-term foster parents with a view to adoption – Guardian ad litem recommending short-term placement with a view to rehabilitation – Juvenile court making care order – Mother applying in wardship – Whether lacuna in powers of juvenile court to implement guardian ad litem’s recommendation

14th Jun 1984

Re C (Wardship: Independent Social Worker) [1985] FLR 56

Wardship – Independent social worker – Application by parents to use independent social worker – Application twice refused by court – Continued use of independent social worker despite lack of authorization by the court – Independent social worker shown documents involved in case – Breach of confidentiality in wardship proceedings – Third application by parents for leave to permit independent social worker to give evidence – Whether court should give leave – Factors to be taken into account

22nd Mar 1984

M v Lambeth Borough Council [1985] FLR 187

Wardship – Child committed to care of local authority in wardship proceedings – Use of secure accommodation – Whether local authority required to seek authority of juvenile court in addition to direction of High Court