Cases Archive

30th Jul 1991 | Jordan's

B v Derbyshire County Council [1992] 1 FLR 538

Care proceedings – Father of little boy convicted of indecent assault on girl within family unit – Local authority applying for care orders concerning the little boy and three other girls – Justices making care orders regarding the girls but dismissing application concerning the boy – Justices concluding that res judicata applied – Local authority appealing by way of case stated – Whether doctrine of res judicata applying to care proceedings brought under the Children and Young Persons Act 1969, s 1

20th Nov 1990 | Jordan's

Re H (Illegitimate Children: Father: Parental Rights) (No. 2) [1991] 1 FLR 214

Parental rights – Illegitimate children – Local authority receiving children into care and passing parental rights resolution – Local authority applying to free children for adoption – Father applying for parental rights order – Family Law Reform Act 1987, s. 4

21st Jul 1989 | Jordan's

Re H (Illegitimate Children: Father: Parental Rights) [1989] 2 FLR 215

Parental rights – Children whose parents were not married to each other at the time of the births of the children – Local authority intervention – Effect of an order under Family Law Reform Act 1987, s. 4.

16th Mar 1989 | Jordan's

Re N (A Minor) (Adoption) [1990] 1 FLR 58

Adoption – Black child placed with white foster-parents – Foster-parents applying for adoption order and for consent of mother to adoption to be dispensed with on the grounds that it was unreasonably withheld – Natural father applying in wardship proceedings for care and control of child – Factors to be considered.

7th Feb 1989

B v B (Child Abuse: Evidence) [1991] 2 FLR 487

Evidence – Child – Sexual abuse – Child interviewed by hospital with regard to possible sexual abuse by father – Parents seeking care and control of child – Request by hospital for ruling that transcripts and videos of interviews should not be seen by child’s parents – Factors to be considered

18th Oct 1988 | Jordan's

A v Berkshire County Council [1989] 1 FLR 273

Care proceedings – Full care hearing due to be heard – Guardian ad litem initiating wardship proceedings in High Court – Whether guardian ad litem having locus standi to issue such proceedings – Whether wardship proceedings should be terminated.

21st Aug 1988

Re O (Adoption: Withholding Agreement) [1999] 1 FLR 451

Adoption – Agreement – Natural father unaware of child’s existence until informed of adoption proceedings – Child placed with prospective adopters as baby – Whether father withholding agreement unreasonably

19th Aug 1988

Re B (A Minor) (Wardship: Guardian ad Litem) [1989] 1 FLR 269

Wardship – Children joined as parties – Appointment of guardian ad litem – Guardian ad litem in juvenile court proceedings applying to be guardian in wardship proceedings – Matters to be taken into account in appointment of guardian ad litem.