Cases Archive

28th Jun 2013 | Jordans

MF v London Borough of Brent and others [2014] 1 FLR 195

Adoption case. The prospective adopter was a single woman who had originally fostered the child, Grandmother applied for contact; prospective adopter opposed this and opposed contact order. Judge, unusually, made contact order.

17th Jun 2013

Re A (A Child) (Vulnerable Witness) [2013] EWHC 1694 (Fam); [2013] 2 FLR 1473

Consideration in private law proceedings as to whether, imminently, steps should be taken which could lead to the giving, in some form or another, of oral evidence by that vulnerable individual

22nd May 2013 | Bailii

Re W [2013] EWHC 1957

Bodey J considers the law on revocation of an adoption order.

11th May 2013 | Bailii

LA v FM [2013] EWHC 4672 (Fam)

Final care and placement orders made after short adjournment allowed to enable the mother to consider the findings of the court made against herself and the father of the children.

1st May 2013

LB v London Borough of Merton and Another [2013] EWCA Civ 476

Second appeal against a Placement Order made at the conclusion of care proceedings. Appeal dismissed.

26th Mar 2013 | Bailii

Ighalo v The Solicitors Regulation Authority [2013] 157 (14) SJLB 31

Consideration of the issue of apparent bias and the circumstances in which a panel member should disclose potentially relevant interests.

26th Mar 2013 | Lawtel

Adams & Moore Ltd v Johnson & Others [2013] EWHC 1306 (QB)

Enforcement of restrictive covenants in a contract of employment.

22nd Mar 2013 | Jordans

Re C (Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Orders Relating to Child) [2012] EWHC 907 (Fam)

Moylan J considers the interaction of English public law proceedings and ‘trumping orders’ under Article 11(8) of the 1980 Hague Convention.