Cases Archive

14th Feb 2014 | Bailii

The London Borough of P v G & Others [2014] EW Misc 27 (CC)

Final hearing of private law proceedings, which had the involvement of two local authorities and the children being represented by their Guardian. The Court made a Shared Residence Order and Supervision Order, finding the threshold criteria to be crossed. Finally, the Court made an Order by consent pursuant to s.91(14) Children Act 1989, preventing either parent from making a further application in respect of the child for two years without the Court’s permission.

22nd Jan 2014

Re S (A Child: Care Order) [2014] EWHC 529 (Fam)

Care Order made where independent social worker supporting parents application to adjourn proceedings for further assessment of mother in Pakistan

14th Jan 2014 | Bailii

R (on the application of AB) v Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority [2014] EWHC 1528 (Admin)

Use of gametes without consent and protective cost orders.

13th Dec 2013 | Bailii

CI v VG [2013] EWHC 4017 (Fam)

Whether an Order dealing with temporary removal from the jurisdiction was a final order concerning matters of parental responsibility within the meaning and understanding of Brussels II Revised.

12th Dec 2013

Re A (Sexual Abuse: Disclosure) [2012] UKSC 60; [2013] 1 FLR 948

Disclosure — Serious sexual abuse allegations against the father — Contact with child suspended — Accuser suffered poor mental and physical health — Whether the balance fell in favour of disclosure

19th Nov 2013 | Bailii

T and M (Children: Fact Finding: Physical Injury) [2013] EWHC 3645 (Fam)

Fact-finding hearing in respect of physical injuries. Pauffley J unable to identify the perpetrator(s) save to say that the mother and/or father were likely to have caused the injuries.

4th Oct 2013 | Bailii

X Local Authority v Trimega Laboratories & Others [2013] EWCC 6 (Fam)

Order for costs made against Trimega Laboratories following erroneous hair strand testing results being returned in respect of a mother.

27th Sep 2013 | Bailii

LA v FM [2013] EWHC 4671 (Fam)

Fact-finding hearing in care proceedings involving, inter alia, allegations that a child had been unlawfully killed by one of his parents.