Cases Archive

19th Nov 2013 | Bailii

T and M (Children: Fact Finding: Physical Injury) [2013] EWHC 3645 (Fam)

Fact-finding hearing in respect of physical injuries. Pauffley J unable to identify the perpetrator(s) save to say that the mother and/or father were likely to have caused the injuries.

4th Oct 2013 | Bailii

X Local Authority v Trimega Laboratories & Others [2013] EWCC 6 (Fam)

Order for costs made against Trimega Laboratories following erroneous hair strand testing results being returned in respect of a mother.

27th Sep 2013 | Bailii

LA v FM [2013] EWHC 4671 (Fam)

Fact-finding hearing in care proceedings involving, inter alia, allegations that a child had been unlawfully killed by one of his parents.

17th Sep 2013 | Bailii

M (A child) [2013] EWCA Civ 1131

Paternity testing in abduction case.

17th Sep 2013 | Bailii

M (A Child) [2013] EWCA Civ 1131

Appeal arising from Hague Convention proceedings in which the High Court Judge at first instance made an order for DNA paternity testing of the child. The Court of Appeal held such direction to be premature, and instead that the Court should have awaited the outcome of expert evidence in relation to Latvian law to establish whether the respondent father had a “right of custody” without the need for the father to be a biological parent

31st Jul 2013 | Bailii

Re PC, YC and KM (Brussels IIR: Jurisdiction Within UK) [2013] EWHC 2336 (Fam)

Issue about the jurisdiction of the court under Brussels II Revised to transfer proceedings from England to Scotland- whether, because Scotland has a different legal system to England, it came within Article 15 -where there were jurisdictional disputes between different parts of the UK.

15th Jul 2013 | Bailii

Re J & R (Children) [2013] EWHC 4100 (Fam)

Application by parents within a Placement Order application to adduce further medical evidence to challenge findings against them that they had caused non-accidental injury to their son.

2nd Jul 2013 | Bailii

Saward v Saward [2013] EWCA Civ 1060

Application for permission to appeal against a decision of the lower court setting aside a decree nisi made in the English court on the basis that the English court had no jurisdiction to entertain the divorce proceedings. Application refused